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" People constantly ask why I am in Lambda Theta Phi and I try to explain all the things a fraternity is that they cannot see nor understand. Lambda is more than letters on a jacket, more than chants, parties, events, probates, rituals, and obligation, or a way of life. Lambda is learning about people, Lambda is giving without expecting a return, it represents the struggles we all face as we grow. Lambda is earning respect from others, as well as for ourselves. Being part of Lambda does not solve all of my problems, and I never expected it too. But I do make them understand that through this fraternity I have made life-long bonds, countless memories, found strengths I never knew existed, and found confidence there to help me take life one step at a time. Why I cling to it? I can’t explain, but in the end I know I am a lot stronger because of it."


Feed The Less Fortunate
Beach Cleanups 


Chivalry Dinner


Professional Development Workshops


Youth Empowerment workshops
Get Fit With Lambdas
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