USC Lambdas

On December 1, 1975, Lambda Theta Phi was founded on the campus of Kean College in Union, New Jersey.
In 1975, there were no Latino fraternities in existence in the United States. Lambda’s founders, realized there was a need to unite the Latino students: develop their leadership skills, impart upon them the value of an education, and instill in them a commitment to their community and culture.
The ideals of this brotherhood are the following: Academic Excellence; Brotherhood; Leadership; Latino Unity; Service.
Fraternity History

Interested in becoming a Brother? The Interest Group allows for individuals to learn more about the demands of being in the Fraternity, and how to handle the time requirements while balancing their studies and other responsibilities.
The process has three goals: to bond with the brothers, bond with the other members of the group, and to develop leadership skills. All three goals promote a strong and dedicated brotherhood in our prospective members.
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Saluting is honored tradition in our organization and often viewed as “poetry in motion”. Often Salutes express certain values and goals held dear to the Lambda Man. Saluting reminds us of the originating values of the Fraternity since its founding in December 1, 1975 and help pay tribute to many of our founding brothers with military experience.